I love dogs!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Mrs Mirror Ball

My neighbor Mrs. Mirable (I thought she said Mirror Ball) stopped me as I walked my crew this evening. A year ago, her husband threw a baseball bat at me when I confronted him about chaining his dog to a tree. Then, later that month she shows up at my door crying and asks if I can help her because the dog was sick and her old man forbid her from getting the dog to a vet. One look and I could see it was dying, so I took the dog to a vet and found it was suffering from heat exhaustion. I paid the vet and haven't heard from her since. Today she happily confided that her husband is in prison now and she and her sister lived in the house now. "He don't like no white folks." She said. And I told her " Well, throwing a baseball bat is no way to make friends!" She said she knows lots of nice white folks! We laughed. She said the dog is so sweet and stays inside with her most of the time now. "Ima make you a plate of chicken wings! You eat chicken?" She asked, smiling. I told her "That would be great!" And then me and my dogs walked on down the street.
Mrs. Mirable now knows the power of that dog's pure love! She cared about a poor dying dog, and defied her abusive husband to seek help for it. Karma is real. And sometimes change has it's own surprises!

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