I love dogs!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Walmart Creep

I had $20. left after paying rent and getting a Uhaul van this evening, so I went to the Walmart nearby to get some dog food. Wearing my brown coveralls with the quilted lining, work boots and a bright orange knit cap. I made my purchase and tossed the bag of dog food on my shoulder and was hobbling slowly out the door. I stopped to shift the big bag to the other shoulder before leaving the storeand I noticed a man blocking my way. He was a white man with an over-sized coat with a hood that seemed to completely shroud his face. He turned toward me and he had a black scarf covering the lower part of his face and a pair of sunglasses. All I saw was his cheeks. He kept looking left-to-right down the sidewalk but stopped and fixated on me. I struggled with the bag and because of a deep leg wound I couldn't make it 4 or 5 steps without grunting and trying to keep the bag on my shoulder. Dude says "Excuse me sir, I'm a welder from Valdosta working with my boss on a construction job and the truck broke down right down the street and all I need is $14. so I can get a clutch over there at the Auto Zone and I'd appreciate it if you would let me borrow some money I could pay you back as soon as I go get my boss and get the money from him." he said without looking at me but still looking left-and -right and not speaking with any inflection whatsoever. I told him I have no money and tried to hobble away but he followed me to my van and told me again how he just needs $40 to fix his transmission. I said "You just told me you needed $14. for a clutch!" "Well the $14 is just for the clutch but I need $40. for the guy down there to fix it". "I have no money, man. I wish I could help you but I'm unemployed and just getting food for my 8 dogs I saved from the street. Wish I could help" I replied as I opened the van door and tossed the bag of food inside. "He seemed startled and said "Oh...is this what you are driving?" looking at the giant orange Uhaul signs all over it. "Yep, gotta go" I said as I painfully pulled myself into the driver's seat. Then he moved closer, fidgeting in his jacket. I grabbed the door to close it and he blocked me. "Dude,I gotta go!" and I started the engine and threw it into reverse causing him to move backwards to keep from getting hit by the door. He stumbled,and then dropped something from his coat. When he bent down to pick it up, I slammed the door and locked it. That's when I saw the gun. I threw it into drive and hit the gas, peeling rubber and slamming into a couple of grocery carts and causing quite a commotion from all the people getting out of their cars ,who turned and gave me mean looks and wondering what this speeding maniac in a Uhaul was doing driving crazy. My heart was racing and I looked back as I careened out of the lot, and saw the guy running back towards the store and jumping into a white van going in the opposite direction. I drove home shaking and tensed-up with my eyes bug-eyed and gritting my teeth. I hobbled inside and laid on the bed until I could breathe again.
I think I was almost car-jacked and robbed. Shit.

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